Identification Pointers

The mountain lion, also known as the cougar, puma, and panther, is a large cat with a uniform coat color and a long black-tipped tail. Coat color can range from a silvery-gray to reddish. The cubs tend to have a soft, spotted coat. A male mountain lion weighs between 115 to 220 lbs. while a female weighs between 64 to 141 lbs.

Behavior Tips

Mountain lions are nocturnal and crepuscular. This animal is a carnivore, eating any animals it can catch, including insects, mule deer, white-tailed deer, and bull elk. Mountain lions are secretive and largely solitary. Mountain lions cannot roar, and are therefore not considered to be one of the “big cats”. However, they can voice low-pitched hisses, growls, purrs, chirps, whistles, and screams. This animal’s top running speed is between 40 and 50 mph.

Mountain lion at site #5

Mountain Lion Report by Oak Ambassador Captain Sammi Leasburg